Car accidents, like everything else in the world, are governed by the laws of physics specifically, the laws of motion. Anything that moves has mass (roughly, how much “stuff” an object has, which is strongly related to how heavy it feels) and velocity (loosely, this is the same thing as speed, but strictly it means speed in a certain direction). Anything with mass and velocity has kinetic energy, and the more kinetic energy your car has, the heavier it is and the faster you are traveling. That’s OK until you want to stop abruptly or until you collide with something. The energy must then be directed elsewhere. Despite the fact that cars are built to crumple and absorb accidents, their energy nevertheless poses a significant risk to the driver and passengers. The problem is that passengers inside a moving car have mass and velocity as well, and they will tend to continue moving even if the car stops. It is a fundamental physics law (known as Newton’s first law of motion, after the renowned English physicist Sir Isaac Newton who originally stated it) that things that are moving tend to continue moving until something (a force of some kind) stops them.
Seatbelts have been used in automobiles for decades, but they are a primitive type of protection. Airbags appear to be a smart idea, but scientists like hard facts: is there any evidence that they cut fatalities? Adrian Lund and Susan Ferguson published a significant study of road traffic accidents from 1985 to 1993 in 1995. When compared to cars equipped just with manual safety belts, they discovered that airbags reduced mortality by 23–24 percent in head-on collisions and by 16 percent in all crashes. That is obviously a significant improvement, but it is crucial to realize that airbags are violently explosive devices that have their own risks. The greatest danger is to young children, however, adults are also at risk of eye harm and hearing loss. If an airbag saves your life, you presumably consider a minor chance of injury to be a small price to pay. Nonetheless, it is evident that it is critical to investigate the potential dangers of airbags in order to make them as safe and effective as possible.
Modern airbags (installed since the late 1990s) deploy with less force than older designs, and there is solid evidence that this has resulted in fewer accidental deaths, particularly among youngsters, without affecting passenger safety. Although airbags can save lives, they can also cause injuries, especially if the passenger is poorly positioned. Even in mild accidents, concussions and whiplashes can occur, especially if the individual is not very large. As a result, if you are in a vehicle with a passenger airbag, you should sit at least a foot back from the airbag to absorb the shock more effectively. Overall, the risk of mortality outweighs the risk of being hurt by an airbag. As a result, having passenger airbags in your vehicle is strongly recommended to assist you to stay safe behind the wheel. While airbags have been shown to reduce certain types of injuries, they have not completely eliminated injuries sustained in car crashes. If you have been harmed in a car accident, you should contact a personal injury lawyer right once.